Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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How a collection agency can help your veterinary practice


When your veterinary practice is faced with past-due bills and rising accounts receivable, that can leave you struggling to take care of your own expenses. Setting the right fees and recovering payment from the people who have entrusted you with their pet’s care is far from your favorite task, but veterinary collections is very necessary.

New Price Transparency Order Results in More Confusion


Effective January 1 based on a mandate from the Trump administration, hospitals are now required to post their list prices on the hospital’s website in an attempt to move towards price transparency for healthcare consumers. Unfortunately, the approach some hospitals have taken isn’t of much value to the patient community and doesn’t resolve the problems

IC System’s Tamara Ward Earns Young Professional Certification

Tamara Ward IC System Northeast Metro Young Professionals Group

Helping the community is incredibly important to IC System, which is why we are proud to announce that Client Service Representative Tamara Ward has completed an extensive professional leadership initiative with the Northeast Metro Young Professionals Group (NMYP). The NMYP is a program developed by the Vadnais Heights Economic Development Corporation that seeks future leaders

Government: Don’t Ignore Your Older Accounts Receivable

older government accounts

Most government offices have only a single-tier debt placement strategy with multiple primary agencies. However, after the initial collection period (about 180 days), collection agencies typically slow down their efforts due to the cost involved in pursuing less collectible, older government accounts. This natural decline in work effort means that, as accounts age, they become

IC System Volunteers for Rotary Lights Winter Festival

ic system rotary lights 3

More than 34 employees from IC System’s Wisconsin branch office volunteered to help gather donations and oversee the Rotary Light festival in La Crosse. Each night, a different business or group volunteers its time to the winter festival. Decked in IC System stocking hats and scarves, the volunteers gathered for three shifts on December 4

State Spending Hits Record High


In fiscal year 2018, the fifty US states collectively spent over $2 trillion, which is the first time that level has been reached. This is according to the latest State Expenditure Report from the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO). The spending was fueled in part by a boost in tax revenue triggered by

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