Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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5 Tips: How to Choose a Collection Agency

thinking about collection agencies-IC System

When consumers stop paying for the services or products you provided, at some point, you’ll need assistance from a debt collection partner. But there is so much more than just a simple transaction when you choose a collection agency. If your third-party debt collector is a bad fit for you — that is, it’s not

When is the Best Time to Send an Account to Collections?

when is the best time to send an account to collections?

Whether you’re running a small business, healthcare office, or a large corporation, knowing the right time to submit a debt to your collection agency remains tricky. There’s a delicate balance. You shouldn’t send an account to collections too soon, but you also shouldn’t wait too long. So what’s the correct timeframe? Here are some things

Kristina Gursky Joins the Board of the MN Gopher Chapter of AAHAM

IC System is proud to announce that Kristina Gursky, Director of Healthcare Client Success, has been named a board member of the MN Gopher Chapter of AAHAM (American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management). Kristina’s term will begin in January 2022 and will be a full two-year term. Being on the board means Kristina will be

Deal with Collection Accounts Before Holiday Hoopla

Overwhelmed employee working while wearing holiday attire

The holidays can be stressful and busy. It’s so busy that the holiday season requires an almost endless list of lists: shopping lists, grocery lists, and your general To Do List. And that’s just for your personal life. Throw your business’ hectic office environment into this mix, and you’ll stress levels are almost guaranteed to

What Regulation F Means for Collection Agencies and Creditors

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has implemented new rules, known as Regulation F, requiring collection agencies to obtain additional information from creditors sending past-due accounts for collection. The Rule’s effective date is November 30, 2021. Regulation F has impacted the collection industry and raised many questions about what comes next, especially among creditors who

Overcoming Telemedicine AR Collection Challenges

Many healthcare providers have adjusted their services to a combination of telemedicine and office visits to meet patient demand under safe conditions. Unfortunately, some providers remain wary of offering a telemedicine alternative due to the risk of nonpayment, and telemedicine faces many of the same problems of nonpayment that occur during in-office visits. Does that

IC System’s Charity Golf Tournament Sets a New Record

IC System is about more than collecting past-due accounts; it’s also about collecting donations for causes that matter. For example, this summer marks 23 years of IC System’s Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Every year, employees, vendors, and friends of IC System join for a day of friendly competition and course games to create awareness and

Jessica Amundsen Joins IC System as VP of Business Development

IC System is pleased to announce that Jessica Amundsen has joined the company as Vice President of Business Development – Healthcare. Jessica will grow IC System’s nationwide presence in the healthcare industry, focusing on the southwest region from her home in Texas. Jessica comes to the role with over 15 years of experience in the

IC System Receives 2021 insideARM Best Places to Work in Collections

IC System is proud to announce it has been selected by insideARM as one of the 2021 Best Places to Work in Collections. insideARM is the leading independent news and information provider for the collections industry. In its 14th year, the program is administered by Best Companies Group, which conducts more than  60 local, national

IC System Named a 2021 Star Tribune Top 175 Workplace

St. Paul, MN – IC System has been named one of Minnesota’s Top 175 Workplaces by the Star Tribune. A complete list of those selected is available on the Star Tribune’s website and was also published in the Star Tribune Top Workplaces special section on Sunday, June 20. Produced by the same team that compiles the 30-year-old

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