Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Insurance paying too little? Don’t accept it. Negotiate!


Getting the insurance company to come to the table and actually negotiate provider reimbursement rates can feel like attempting to scale a 30-foot cement wall without equipment. This is especially true when the payer just tosses over a slate of rates that undercuts the value of your work. But it turns out if you accept the

Insurance debate: Patient anxiety over high medical costs


Politics aside, one fact that stands out through the ongoing debate on how we regulate health insurance is this: Patients are deeply concerned about the costs of their medical care. A recently released study highlights these anxieties and how U.S. patients are dealing with them. Seventy-four percent say their health care costs have risen over the past

Is it time to rethink the annual checkup?

rethink your office's annual checkup

The idea of the annual exam is well-woven in the fabric of our medical care. Whether the patient is covered by traditional insurance or a government plan, they’re entitled to at least one examination a year, complete with a battery of lab tests and screenings. However, it may be time to modernize this practice of the yearly

Is your practice meeting your patients’ digital expectations?

digital practice tools for patients

We don’t always think of patients as consumers. But it’s important to consider how your patients’ experiences as a customer influences their expectations when they contact providers. One of these experiences you might want to strongly consider is digitizing appointments. Aligning with patient expectations Consider what’s happened over the last decade. Buying and banking habits

How to shore up your past-due recovery practices

Collection advice

It’s always a best practice for a clinic to have policies and procedures for their accounts receivables. To make sure yours line up with current rules, laws, and regulations, it’s smart to consult with a professional for collection advice. Here are some basics: Phone calls Picking up the phone and calling the past-due patient early on can

Give your patient financial policy a checkup for the New Year

Financial Policy Review

A good financial policy serves two purposes: It reduces exposures to your office but it should also eliminate surprise to your patients. With the new year, this is an opportune time to pull out this guiding document and give it a checkup to make sure it follows best practices. Is it easy to understand? First, look at the

Incentives could result in lower healthcare costs

healthcare incentives healthcare costs

Patients’ out-of-pocket costs are rising, putting even more pressure on the healthcare system — not to mention a clinic’s ability to make ends meet. One solution that’s gaining traction is changing reimbursement practices with an eye toward outcomes that experts say will save money and result in healthier patients in the long run. Value-based care: Medicare is

About replacing your revenue management system…

healthcare-database revenue management

As cash flow emerges as a top administrative concern in healthcare, one solution remains clear: upgrading the revenue cycle management system. In fact, according a recent survey, 85 percent of healthcare organizations say they want to upgrade. Change overwhelms an old system The reasons behind the desire to upgrade are clear. First, they are working with a

Fixing Your Patient Self Pay Process with Collections

Self Pay Collections

There’s a lot of discussion and commentary out there about this issue, but everyone seems to agree: due to high-deductible health insurance plans, and a general failure to effectively address the flaws in the patient self-pay process, the bad debt problem is only going to get worse for many healthcare providers. Mike Trilli, the senior

Offer discounts to insured patients for upfront cash payments

Healthcare Collection Tip

We have a healthcare collection tip for you. But there’s something to consider first. What was once a longtime truth about medical billing is now turned upside-down. For years, uninsured patients were charged more for their care than insured patients. Today, patients are finding they can uncover deep discounts if they pay for their care