Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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Start collecting past-due accounts today with InstiCollect

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IC System Becomes DebtNext’s First Accredited Partner

DebtNext Accredited Partner Badge

IC System is proud to announce that DebtNext has made our company the inaugural member of its dPlat Partner Accreditation Program. As the first accredited company under the new program, IC System is a trusted partner for creditors looking to select a collection agency and integrate their past-due inventory using DebtNext’s comprehensive recovery management platform. DebtNext Software

Star Tribune Names IC System a 2023 Top 200 Workplace

IC System has been named one of the Top 200 Workplaces in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. The 2023 distinction marks the seventh year in a row that IC System has been a Top Workplace. A complete list of those selected is available at and was also published in the Star Tribune Top Workplaces

IC System: In the Community 2022

IC System has maintained a positive and caring presence in our community for 85 years. Our purpose of “Making Collections Better” means that our employees not only strive to enrich our relationships with clients, consumers, and industry partners but also improve our community. Download IC System’s In the Community 2022 PDF to learn about some of

IC System Takes the 2023 Polar Plunge

Not just anyone will jump into a near-frozen river for charity. You have to really care about the cause to put yourself through something like that. Maybe that’s why the Polar Plunge tagline, “Freezin’ for a Reason,” means so much to the volunteers. On Saturday, March 4, several IC System volunteers participated in the Polar Plunge at

IC System Earns 2022 Best Places to Work in Collections

IC System is pleased to announce the Best Companies Group has named our company one of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Collections for the second year in a row. Best Companies Group administers the “Best Places to Work in Collections” program, conducting more than 70 local, national, and industry “Best Places” programs annually for

Mike Dunn Promoted to Vice President of Client Success

IC System is proud to announce the promotion of Mike Dunn to Vice President of Client Success. In his new role, Mike will help oversee Account Management and Client Success departments for some of the largest clients that work with IC System, a nationally licensed collection agency headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. “Mike has been

Kristina Gursky Promoted to Vice President of Healthcare Client Success

IC System, a nationally licensed collection agency headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, is proud to announce the promotion of Kristina Gursky to Vice President of Healthcare Client Success. Kristina will bring her extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry to this role. “Kristina came to IC System as a process-improvement, strategy, and business analyst,” observed Joe

IC System Breaks a Record at Charity Golf Tournament

IC System hosted its annual Charity Golf Tournament at Tanners Brook Golf Course in Forest Lake, Minnesota, on Friday, July 15. Now in its 24th year, the event brought IC System employees, vendors, and business associates together for a day of course games and friendly competition for a good cause. This year, the tournament broke

IC System Named a 2022 Star Tribune Top 200 Workplace

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has named IC System one of Minnesota’s Top 200 Workplaces. Minnesota employees were surveyed about their employers, and 200 businesses across the state were selected. A complete list of the businesses is available in the Star Tribune and appeared in the newspaper’s Top Workplaces special section on Sunday, June 19. The

Announcing Two New HFMA Chapter Presidents

IC System is pleased to announce two new HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association) chapter Presidents. Mary Prendergast has been named President of the Virginia-Washington DC HFMA, and Bart Shea has been named the President of the Arizona HFMA. Both Mary and Bart also serve as Vice Presidents of Business Development at IC System, and both