Kristina Gursky Joins the Board of the MN Gopher Chapter of AAHAM

IC System is proud to announce that Kristina Gursky, Director of Healthcare Client Success, has been named a board member of the MN Gopher Chapter of AAHAM (American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management). Kristina’s term will begin in January 2022 and will be a full two-year term.
Being on the board means Kristina will be an active voice in helping AAHAM’s members stay informed, provide quality educational opportunities for the ever-changing healthcare revenue cycle landscape, and also engage more directly with our local chapter.
“I’m excited to be an active part of the MN AAHAM Chapter,” said Kristina. “Early in my career, I was fortunate enough to serve on the Iowa AAHAM Board, and found it to be a very rewarding experience. It’s nice to go back to some of my roots to be an active AAHAM voice again.”
Kristina has been in the revenue cycle industry since 1999, starting as a collector for Fingerhut Corporation in 1999. She joined IC System in 2005 as a National Healthcare Account Manager, after serving as a Healthcare Collections Specialist for Wright Medical Center in Clarion, IA, for over four years.
While at IC System, she has also served as a Process Improvement Analyst, Business Analyst, and Strategy Analyst. She recently led the company’s efforts to develop and oversee account management for its healthcare clients.
With her experience in healthcare business analytics, revenue cycles, and strategy, Kristina is a valued subject matter expert in the healthcare industry, earning an appointment to the AAHAM National Patient Financial Advocate Task Force in 2020. Kristina also holds her AAHAM Certified Revenue Cycle Professional designation, her HFMA Certified Revenue Cycle Specialist designation, and has her degree in Healthcare Administration. For Kristina, membership in AAHAM is about education and networking. Being on the board gives her the ability to help foster that environment for AAHAM’s membership.
Kristina added, “When we can provide the space and opportunities for revenue cycle leaders to obtain education, network with their peers, and share best practice ideas, ultimately the industry is better positioned to provide the patient a better financial experience. That’s the end goal for all of us at the end of the day.”
Listen to Kristina Gursky Talk About “Patient Advocacy in Healthcare from the Provider to Collections” on IC System’s Podcast, Closing the Books
About the Author: Eric Johannes